DOWSIL 896 PanelFix
Quick-curing, one-component silicone for panel bonding applications.
Usage areas
Fastening in the Factory: It is used for gluing the binding hooks during production at the factory. Thanks to its high mobility, it provides great convenience in attachment to the frame. Since it can harden quickly, there is no need to use tape.
Bonding on Site: – DOWSIL™ 896 PanelFix and DOWSIL™ PanelFix Tape can be applied directly to the fastening of facade panels to the frame.
It shows high adhesion without the need for conditioners such as anodized aluminum or mineral substrate.
Speeds up nail fastening applications
Very durable after hardening
Provides ease of use and application
Audit and warranty support is available under the Dow QUALITY BOND™ program.